Saturday, March 13, 2010

A deep breath...

"Hey, how about going for pedicures on Friday after work?", asked my sister, Valerie. And so it began. No grand adventure, but the start of a lovely, restorative evening in the midst of the "storm" of tax season.

We convinced our friend & co-worker, Ann, to join us for her first-ever pedicure. It took her a little while to relax but I think she enjoyed it in the end. I know that we all enjoyed sharing some quiet time together, devoid of clients, telephones & computer screens. And my bright pink toenails are feeling fine and looking good.

Afterwards, Ann headed home and Val and I ventured to Barnes & Noble because, well, one can never spend too much time in a bookstore, I think. Val and I have many similar interests and some very diverse ones. Spending time in a bookstore, talking about books we've read, places we want to go, finding books that lead to stories about family, memories, joys and concerns is such a great way to learn more about one another. It was a fun and relaxing evening - I am astonished that I am feeling so stress free, in the height of tax season.

"Shelter from the storm" is a collage in a (yet untitled) series I'm working on. I was reminded of it when reflecting on this evening, thinking of how just one quiet pedicure & a good long roam through a bookstore can make such a difference. We're so often told to "take time for you" - a suggestion that is most often met with 'yeah, right, like when?". Sometimes a small break is just enough - I am feeling quite restored and I know that I have a more productive weekend because of it. The investment of a few hours for "me" was well worth it and
"Heavenly" is how I'm feeling!

This last collage, "To be or not to be" is reminder of how much is thrown at us all the time and how tiny things can make a big difference. Little things like stopping to tie your shoe one the way out the door can cause you to be delayed just enough that you run into an old friend at the post office - a chance encounter that may open new doors. We like to think we are in charge but, the truth is, small things happen every day that alter our journey in many ways. I like being open to the adventure of life, keeping my eyes open, and feeding my curious nature. I once attended a lecture by the amazing doll-maker, elinor peace bailey. She spent some time discussing the importance of one little phrase, "Pay Attention". Later, I took a doll-making class from elinor, one in which we utilized one of her patterns (I made Queen Maureen, a story in itself). After class, elinor told me that she saw something in me and that I should keep developing my skills using patterns and classes as my tools but that someday, I would be making thing of my own and have no desire to use patterns made by other people. "Wow", I thought, not quite believing she saw that in me. I certainly didn't see that in myself at the time. A few years later, I found her to be right and embarked on the art adventure I am now on. Besides a couple of clothing items, I can't remember the last time I made something from a pattern.

I'm sure elinor has no recollection of ever having met me but those two encounters really changed me. Small things can mean alot when we "Pay Attention".

It's back to work for me in just a couple of hours. It will be a busy weekend at the office but I'm feeling pretty good. Rested from the journey with my sister and content in how I feel about me. Life is, indeed, good.


  1. I haven't checked in in awhile and I see that I missed a lot. I love your collages and the little scrappy quiltlets in your former post.

  2. Thanks, Norma! Studio time is a rare treat at this time of year. Thank you for your kind words. It is fun to just play with color & texture - now to figure out what to do with the thirty quiltlets I've made!
